Favourite Moisturiser | Lush Charity Pots

By Alexa - May 03, 2020

With in-person fundraising out the door (no pun intended) I've been drawn to following several organisations close to my heart online and finding out how we can better support them during these crazy times.

One brand I love, that I had to share with you guys, is Lush who offer a great classic product which also supports grassroots organisations. I thought what better product to review than one which also does some good for the world!

The Lush charity pots are not a new release, but one I've not seen many bloggers promote in their Lush hauls. I always buy the small one when I go in, and am through my third pot now. I also keep them, as the black pots can be exchanged for a free face mask (at this rate, I'll collect enough for 10 masks?!)

They have several campaigns, on my Youtube you'll see other campaigns they've run but I stick to the ones for environmental or animal causes, which are closest to my heart. The 45g pot costs £4.50 and I've been told as well as the website noting they donate 100% to charity.

As for scent, if you're wondering if you'll even like it, it contains shea butter, rosewood oil and ylang ylang oil which create a thick, luxurious scent and texture. It has a deep, earthy scent but is so moisturising a tiny amount goes a long way.

This is perfect for anyone with dry or sensitive skin and any Lush lover - it really sinks in to my hands perfectly and I use it every time I wash my hands at home.

Have you tried it?


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